Wednesday, August 25, 2010

いらっしゃいませ!-- Welcome!

I have a feeling this year is going to be ゴレート!(Great!) The first assignment is a blog! This is fun already! I hope I don't bore anyone. :)

Why would I want to start studying Japanese?


I've always been interested in Japan, with its unique culture, media, and language. Recently, I started the martial art of karate (or 空手度, meaning the way of the empty hand) in the organization dubbed Shotokan Karate of America. My immersion in the art furthered my already-dominant interest in Japan and so I decided to work hard to become fluent in Japanese. Previously to this year, I studied Japanese for my sophomore year in high school, which seems to be so long ago!

I don't know exactly what it is that tugs me towards Japan. The culture must be magnetized or something, because I keep getting pulled back to it! Maybe it's the intense, clear, and hardworking mindset of the people, maybe it is the mystic, ethereal qualities of the traditions and myths of its past, maybe it is the imaginative, intelligent, invigorating, and unexpected twists of its media, maybe it is the clarity and beauty of its language; in any case, Japan is the best! :)

おねがいします! -- Bring it on!
